Our 5th graders looked towards the sky on Tuesday! They were challenged to find the 5 planets that were aligned. Students used the phenomenon and previous observations of the night sky to provide empirical evidence that the planets orbit the sun just like Galileo did with his telescope.
almost 2 years ago, Central Intermediate School
Students looking for the aligned planets
Students looking for the aligned planets
Students looking for the aligned planets
Students looking for the aligned planets
If you are interested in becoming a Kelly substitute to work in our schools, we invite you to apply at https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=B97uRykB70Cl1J6HeH-SPZfZe0yz2chKp-pT-EBirflUMVJRN05ZVTk0UVJTNk5ZV05XVUMyNVhKVC4u&qrcode=true or call 800-528-0049.
almost 2 years ago, Central Community School System
Central Community School System would like to announce our partnership with @Kelly Education, a leading provider of substitute teachers to school districts across the U.S.   If you are interested in becoming a Kelly substitute to work in our schools, we invite you to apply at the link below or call 800-528-0049.
Read Across America Day was a HIT!!
almost 2 years ago, Central Intermediate School
Read Read Read
Book Character Dress Up
Free Book Winners
Our 5th graders learned about different careers last Friday! Students were able to travel to four different rooms to hear from guest speakers. Afterwards, they headed to the bus portal to learn all about the various positions in the police department and fire department. We are so thankful for our teachers who planned this amazing experience for our students! Thank you to our community for volunteering their time and expertise to show our wildcats all the possibilities they have in their futures.
almost 2 years ago, Central Intermediate School
student learning about SWAT
student with the fire truck
students learning about the police departments
students at career day
Our 3rd graders had a great time celebrating Louisiana before Mardi Gras. The participated in a parade, sampling different foods, and meeting some animals. We are so proud of the hard work that our teachers put into making this day special for our wildcats.
almost 2 years ago, Central Intermediate School
parade through CIS
parade through CIS
parade through CIS
students with floats
February Library Challenges
almost 2 years ago, Central Intermediate School
CIS Library Challenges February 2023  Million Word Challenge  cARSON a.    zACHARY s.   bAYLEE c.  Battle of the Books ISLA s.       eMERY W.       rEMI f.    lACI f.       cHRISTIANA p.  lUKE b. lLOYD p.     mADDOX s.      sOPHIA l. mARCOS v.   mADISON n.     mASON b. mICHAEL w.  tEAGAN m.      jAXSON d. oLIVIA w.    iSABELLA r.    aNIYA m.  40 Book Challenge kENT a.   lEIGHTON h.
On Monday, CIS Beta traveled to the middle school to deliver parfaits to their teachers and staff! Students were able to take orders, deliver the orders and set up a self-serve station in their main lounge.
almost 2 years ago, Central Intermediate School
Beta Students at CMS
Last week our fifth graders got to head to the theatre to watch Dino Lights! It is always a treat to watch a live production.
almost 2 years ago, Central Intermediate School
Performers at Dino Lights
5th graders at dino lights
5th graders at dino lights
5th graders at dino lights
Counselor's Week is over to a BRIGHT start at CIS!! 5th graders showered Mrs. Paul with all the reasons she has helped to make our clouds go away. Thank you for everything you do for our 5th graders, Mrs. Paul!!
almost 2 years ago, Central Intermediate School
students with Mrs. Paul
CIS Library Challenges December and January
almost 2 years ago, Central Intermediate School
CIS Library Challenges December 2022 & January 2023  Million Word Challenge       Qian Z.             Wesley P.        Levi T.              Emma L.       Mason L.            Emma R.   Battle of the Books Aubrey B.    Collins B.   Jensen B.  Breleigh A.  Burke B.     Edward J. Grant F.     Emily S.     Nicholas O. Jase M.      Averie G.    Allie C.     40 Book Challenge Novalee G.
2023 Before School Library Schedule
almost 2 years ago, Central Intermediate School
 2023 Before School Library Times  Monday: Thevenot, Jones, Arceneaux, Runnels Tuesday: Signorino, Boles, Lavergne, Names, Lea Wednesday: Wallace, Davis, Henry, Ellerbee, Strother Thursday: Furr, Wintz, Lee, Bridges, Allen Friday: Mier, Stevens, Leonard, Statham, Talented    The following homeroom students may come to the library on their assigned day as soon as they arrive on campus.
Get Involved with Literacy in 2023!
almost 2 years ago, Central Intermediate School
Be Featured on  Book Talk Tuesday!   How to get started?  Click on the library rainbow in Clever. Open Book Talk Tuesday and fill out the Google Form.   You will be featured on our school Book Talk Tuesday Google Slide.
Battle of  the Books  Drop by the library to check out, read, and test on at least 5 LYRC books.    Fill out the Battle of the Books form on Clever.  Deadline is March 1st  We will form teams on March 8th.  Competition will be  May 12th.
40 Book Challenge  Drop by the library to grab a 40 Book form or print one from cislibrary.org.  Read and test on books from the different genres.  Bring the form to Mrs. Barker when it is complete.  Students will be recognized over the intercom and on Facebook. Each student will receive an award at the end of the year. This year's deadline is May 12, 2023.
Million Word Challenge  Students read and take AR tests on ANY books they would like. The AR program will keep track of how many words they read throughout the year. Once a student reaches 1 million words, they will have their teacher email Mrs. Barker. Students will be recognized over the intercom and on Facebook. Each student will receive an award at the end of the year. This year's deadline is May 12, 2023.
5th Graders learned all about Drug Abuse Resistance Education with Deputy Ware
almost 2 years ago, Danielle Croswell
5th Grade Dare
5th Grade Dare
5th Grade Dare
In December, Coach Wes and the CIS Soccer Team wrapped up another great year! We are so proud of their dedication to the sport and hardwork during the season.
almost 2 years ago, Central Intermediate School
CIS Soccer
Congratulations to Eliana Mansur! We are so proud of you :)
about 2 years ago, Central Intermediate School
Congrats to CIS's Student of the Year Eliana Mansur
CIS Third Grader's sold Handmade Christmas gifts at their very own Market Day on December 15th.
about 2 years ago, Central Intermediate School
Market Day
Market Day
Market Day
Market Day
The Grinch made an appearance today to deliver a sweet surprise to our teachers!
about 2 years ago, Central Intermediate School
Grinch and student
Grinch and Mrs. Barker
Mrs. Davis
Teachers with shirts
School Closure Alert! Due to Potential Severe weather conditions, all Central Community Schools and offices will be closed and after-school activities will be canceled Wednesday, December 14, 2022
about 2 years ago, Central Community School System
School Closure Alert - Due to Potential Severe weather conditions, all Central Community Schools and offices will be closed and after-school activities will be canceled   Wednesday, December 14, 2022
The CIS Library Leaders shared the love of Christmas and literacy with the residents of House of Grace. The students read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, sang carols, and presented each resident with a Christmas gift.
about 2 years ago, Central Intermediate School
Students presenting gifts to residents.
Pictures of students reading to residents.
Students presenting gifts to residents.
Students presenting gifts to residents.
Today, CIS Beta took a trip to BHE to read Christmas stories and visit. Our Beta students enjoyed meeting all of the students and reading to them.
about 2 years ago, Central Intermediate School
Beta students coloring
beta student reading
beta student reading
beta club at BHE